create a culture of celebration
One of the most powerful ways we can shape a positive workplace is by celebrating others — their achievements, their growth, and even their small wins. Celebration creates excitement and joy, and it turns ordinary moments into meaningful ones.
Let’s Celebrate
But more than that, celebrating others is an act of humility. It requires us to set aside our own ego and truly see the people around us — their contributions, their strengths, and their stories. When we take the time to celebrate others, we remind ourselves that our work is not just about personal success; it’s about building something greater together.
Today, I celebrate The Sacred Cubicle officially hitting the bookshelves. I celebrate leaning into our calling and purpose. Celebration, this is the heart of The Sacred Cubicle life — stepping into our workplaces with intention, embracing the mission to love, serve, and uplift those around us. Celebration is a tangible way we live that out.
Whether it’s:
Celebrating a promotion for a colleague
Throwing a baby shower (or a retirement party) - or other life events
Enthusiastically being FOR others accomplishments
Putting your whole heart into being FOR someone else
Encouraging someone who is pursuing a goal- a degree, a certification or training
Recognizing work anniversaries
Honoring dedication and committment to a difficult project or task
Scripture reveals that God is a God of joy, and His people are called to reflect that joy through a spirit of celebration. The Bible is chocked full of examples, whether it’s celebrating after crossing the Red Sea, the angels celebrating the birth of Jesus or the father celebrating the return of the prodigal son-it’s clear, God loves celebration. If you find yourself holding back from celebrating others, I encourage you to ask: Why? Is it pride? Fear? Insecurity? What’s keeping you from fully engaging in the joy of lifting someone else up? True celebration is not about comparison — it’s about choosing to be for others and finding joy in their success.
I have been so fortunate to have many cheer me along in this process of writing The Sacred Cubicle. So many of you have shown me every step of the way that you were FOR me, that your were FOR The Sacred Cubicle. Thank you for celebrating with me. Your support — through reading, sharing feedback, and encouraging me — has been a gift. Thank you for being part of this journey and for reminding me just how powerful celebration can be.
I am looking forward to the launch event on Thursday. I am so appreciative to those that are able to come and many who have acknowledged that they can’t come but have sent their well wishes. I am honored that so many are flying in to share in this special day. Thank you!
I was talking to a friend the other day and she said “I love the culture of celebration that you foster.” And I thought, hmm, culture of celebration. That is the Sacred Cubicle in the workplace. So let’s keep celebrating — because when we do, we bring light and joy into our workplaces and beyond. Who or what are you going to celebrate today?
#cultureofcelebration #joy #faithatwork #thesacredcubicle #sacredcubicle #booklaunch #firsttimeauthor #love #joyatwork